
Enermics Website Page Image

Enermics Website

Enermics Consulting Limited webite I built from scratch to finish using html, css, bootsrap, Javascript and php.

Mindful Moment Generator Image

Mindful Moment Generator

A web-based application that generates random and soothing "mindful moments" to help users take short breaks and practice mindfulness throughout their day. The Mindful Moment Generator offers calming activities, quotes, and relaxation techniques to promote mental well-being. I built this webapp using html, css and javascript for backend.

Landing Page Image

Product Landing Page

A Creative Product Landing page template built using html and css.

Responsive Sidebar Menu Image

Responsive Sidebar Menu

I built a responsive sidebar menu with light/dark mode using html, css and javascript.

Google Landing Page Clone Image

Google Landing Page Clone

I built google landing page from scratch with Light and Dark mode using html, css and javascript.

Gmail HomePage Clone Image

Gmail Homepage Clone

Gmail Homepage built entirely with just html, css and scss.

More Projects...

To see more of my projects, kindly look up my Github repository

I'm always ready to build!

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